Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Nutmeg Critics Book Review
Summary: When Stephanie's Uncle Gordan died he left his property and his royalties to Stephanie. Now it is up to Stephanie and Skulduggery Pleasant to protect the Scepter and the Book of Names from the Faceless Ones.
Review: Although I give this a 5 out of 5 rating, I still didn't read from 9:30 - 10:00 PM (Strange Days at Blake Holsey High is on.) Plus, I would suggest to the author for the next book he writes to have more vampires, and maybe one wolf pack. So, if you are a Harry Potter fan, then read this book!
- Ginny
Monday, July 27, 2009
Week 5 Book Reviews

This is a book about a princess named Addie and her sister, Meryl. When Meryl comes down with a horrible disease called the Gray Death, Addie has no choice but to go on a dangerous adventure to find the cure before it is too late….. Can Addie stand up to her fears and go on her dangerous adventure in time to help her sister?
This was a great book because it was very descriptive. It was descriptive when it said that the magic tablecloth gave tasty roasts to whoever knew the magic words.
- Sophia
The Princess Diaries
This book is about a girl who finds out that she is the princess of a small country called Genovia. Between fancy dinners, talk shows, and princess lessons can Mia live with the fact that she is a princess?
This was a great book! It kept me on the edge of my seat in suspense. It was suspenseful to see how Mia would handle being a princess.
- Sophia
Missed Week 3 Reviews

by Natalie Babbitt
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt is about 10 year-old Winifred Foster who is faced with the decision to live or to die, to escape the cycle of life or to be like everyone else. To be specific she could live forever if she wanted to. Wow! You could watch TV, read tons of books and see what is going to happen in the future. You would probably say “yes” right away but Winnie has another reason to say “yes”. The Tucks who told her how to live forever have a son named Jesse. Winnie falls in love with him. Should she live forever with him? I like this book because it makes you think. If you were faced with the decision to live forever or die eventually what would you choose?
- Elisabeth
Life Stategies for Teens, by Jay McGraw
Have you ever wished that for once life would go your way, you could break your bad habits, or that you were more independent? If you have wished any of these you may have gotten overwhelmed just thinking about it. In this how-to book Life Strategies for Teens by Jay McGraw, Jay took his father’s book Life Strategies and translated it so that you and I can understand the 10 Life Laws. The 10 Life Laws help you to shape your life the way you want it to be. You can’t change life but you can change the way you respond to the events in your life. In the book there are examples from Jay’s experience and other teen’s experience. I really liked reading this book. I hope you will enjoy it too.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Still More Bonus Book Reviews

EPIC by Conor Kostick
Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it if you are interested in science fiction and futuristic stories. The character development is fairly complicated as there are multiple characters to keep track of in the two main story lines. The setting is "New Earth", a planet where mankind fled to after Earth was torn apart by warfare. Naturally, their new planet has a law against violence. the general story line tracks the plot of a 14-year old named Erik and his online game avatar, Cindella. The moral or the lesson of the story is that the New Earth government system was faulty and could lead to war in direct violation of their own laws. EPIC is a good book.
The Saint of Dragons by Jason Hightman
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it if you are interested in fantasy stories set during medieval times. The character development is fairly simple as the story line follows Simon Saint George and his two companions through a series of dragon-slaying adventures. The setting is always changing as their journey takes them all around the world. The general story line focuses on Simon and his father as they fight to end the war between dragons and humans. Some of the battle scenes were very vivid and were definitely my favorite parts of the book. The moral or the lesson of the story is that family bonds are always strong no matter what challenges you are faced with or have to go through. The Saint of Dragons is an awesome book.
-BrendanTuesday, July 14, 2009
Even More Bonus Book Reviews - Week 3
I thought this book was great because it was the third book in the Gallager Academy Spy series! In this book Cammie visits her friend Macy in Boston to watch her dad who's a senator. While they are there Macy is almost kidnapped. As the girls return to school the same question is on everybody's mind. As school goes on, old pals and foes seem to keep reappearing as Cammie figures out what's going on. Little by little, piece by piece, Cammie is closer than ever to the shocking truth!
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
Uglies is the story of Tally Youngblood's fifteen- and sixteen-year-old life. In Tally's world turning sixteen brings an operation that turns you drop-dead gorgeous. However, Tally's friend Shay doesn't want to turn pretty, so she ran away to a city called "The Smoke ." Then, when Tally finally turns 16, the authorities give Tally the worst decision of her life--find Shay or never turn pretty.
One Last Kiss by R. L. Stine
Two years ago Elanore finally moved back to Virginia with her father. She hadn't been there since she was a baby. Her father moved away right after her mother died, killed by a vampire. now right before they move away, Elanore is invited to the Fears' party. Then, her father introduces her to Trevor right before he dies, stake in the chest, giving her Richard Fears diary. This book I recommend to Twilight fans.
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
I loved all the poems in this book, but my favorite was 18 flavors. It was so cute and funny.
Monday, July 13, 2009
More Bonus Book Reviews - Week 2

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Teen Summer Reading Reviews

Betsy and Tacy go Downtown does not have an exciting plot but rather the excitement is found in the adventures that the girls have. The author, Maud Hart Lovelace, bases a lot of the girls’ escapades on ones she had with her friends “Bick” (Tacy) “Midge” (Tib) and Maud herself as Betsy. In the book, Betsy, Tacy, and Tib are old enough to do grown-up things like going downtown by themselves and bobsledding. They experience the excitement when Tib rides in a horseless-carriage (an old-fashioned car) and when they all go to see a play in the grand theater and later, act in one! They befriend the theater owner’s wife, Mrs. Poppy who, although she is very rich, is very lonely. Mrs. Poppy loved the girls’ company and soon she was not lonely any more. Mrs. Poppy wanted to do something for them so she arranged a surprise for Betsey and her family which caused much joy. What was the surprise? You’ll just have to read it for yourself in order to find out.
- Elisabeth
I loved this book because it was really exiting. If you like mysteries you will love this book. Shakespeare’s Secret which is written by Elsie Broach is about a girl named Hero Netherfield. Hero has a hard time finding friends because her family is constantly moving. Hero and her older sister Beatrice are both named after characters in the Shakespeare play “Much Ado About Nothing” because their father loves Shakespeare plays. Hero likes them but does not share her father’s enthusiasm until she figures out from a next-door neighbor that there is a diamond hidden somewhere on the property of her family’s new house. The diamond is old, from the time of Shakespeare and worth millions. Hero puzzles over the clues with her next-door neighbor, Mrs. Roth and they come up a clue to Shakespeare’s real identity. Who was the true Shakespeare? You’ll find out if you read this fast-paced book.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Teen Summer Reading Bonus Reviews - Week 1
I thought this book was really cool because it was about a spy who is trying to live an everyday life. Cammie Morgan is the daughter of two spies and attends the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women that is really a spy school for super smart girls. She learns all sorts of things in all her classes. Like in P. E. she learns martial arts. In her hardest class, Covert Operations, where their teacher is a complete mystery himself, she learns the secrets of a real spy. As the book continues Cammie is faced with her most difficult mission yet, having a boyfriend.
- Nicole
"Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy" by Ally Carter

I thought this book was really fun to read because it was the sequel to "I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You." Cammie starts with a clean slate for her second semester in 10th grade. She promises her mom she won't sneak out of school or break the rules. meanwhile, rumors of a Blackthrone are passing along the hallways. Little do the girls know that boy spies are coming and bringing exciting and dangerous secrets with them.
- Nicole
"Fast Friends" by Julia DeVillers
"Fast Friends" is about Maddy not making a team with her friends and then meeting 3 other girls who get discovered by limited 2.
- Isabella
"Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer
"Breaking Dawn is about Bella being pregnant and the whole family has to rearrange their living arrangements.