A place for teens in grades 7 - 12 to talk about books, movies and music. Please contact the Reference Desk if you need information on how to post to this blog.
Princess in Love by Meg Cabot
This book is about a girl who finds out she is a princess. When her picture is taken and put in the newspaper without her permission, will the picture cause people to think of her in a mean way?
This was a great book. It was fun to read and a 10 out of 10!
- Sophia
The Princess Test by Gail Carson Levine
Can all of her whining finally pay off? When a young girl is put to the test to find every flaw at the palace her whining finally comes in handy. When she notices everything wrong in the palacee and complains about it she passes the test. Does this mean that she'll get to be a princess or a royal pain?
This was a great book. It was really funny. It is a 10 out of 10.