These are some new books in the New Teen Fiction section which sound like they would make great reading for Halloween:
Evernight by Claudia Gray,
Generation Dead by Daniel Waters,
The Graveyard by Neil Gaiman, and
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong. Has anyone read any one of these yet? If so, tell us what you thought of it. Was it a good, scary Halloween read?

I think you should have a section for teens to input what books the library should purchase.
but my sister read generation dead and loved it. :D
Please suggest your book, music or movie purchases to us in your blog comments or e-mail them to us at reference@ewml.org or tell us at the Reference Desk. We'd love to hear your suggestions!
You can also come to our Teen Advisory Board Meetings every month. At the meetings we ask teens to submit their suggestions for books, movies, music, and programs. Usually, we buy most of the items that are suggested if we don't already own them.
I'm reading the graveyard book right now, and it is tremendous. don't pass this one up. It's fine for 5th-6th grade as well.
- the children's librarian
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