Thursday, May 21, 2009

Come and express your views on Nutmeg books

In keeping with this year's Summer Reading Program theme, "Express Yourself @ Your Library, " we are inviting all teens entering grades 7 through 9 to our Summer Nutmeg Book Critics group.
If you've read, or think you might like to read, any 2010 Teen Nutmeg nominees join our group. Our first meeting will be Monday, June 29 from 1:00 - 2:00 PM. We'll have some snacks and choose which Nutmeg books we want to discuss and how we want to publish our book reviews. We have lots of options such binders, blogs, book talks or web pages.
Additional meetings will be held at the same time (1:00 to 2:00 PM) on the following Mondays: July 13th, July 27th and August 3rd. Come to as many meetings as you can. Please sign up online on the Teen Programs calendar or at the Reference Desk or contact us at 452-2850 or reference(AT)


Celia14 said...

I would totally want to ride toschool in a limo on the first day of school!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok, sot this isn't really related to the summer programs, but I didn't know where else to post this. It's more of a suggestion for a program. November is National Novel Writing month, and teens (and adults) 13 and older can participate at've never done it before, but would like to give it a shot this year. I'm 15, and would like to have other teens participate as well. Maybe it could be a library program? And we could meet at the library? I just think it's a cool idea.